Social Studies

Welcome to the Social Studies page! Although the term “social studies” includes primarily history, geography, civics, economics, and sociology, it also deals with materials from other subjects. Thus some elements of ethics, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, art, literature, and other subjects are included in various courses in the social studies.

At Cosby High, you’ll find that social studies includes world history, literature, geography, government, leadership, civics, speech and communication. Specific classroom syllabi for students can be located in the right-hand column of this page. We hope that you’ll find the world of social studies as important as we do!


Meet our Staff:

Hillery Griffin, Teacher
DE Early US History, World History and Geography, Yearbook

Class Website

Kenny Cody, Teacher
Government, Speech

Class Website

Classroom Videos:

Money, Power, and Wall Street: Part One
Money, Power, and Wall Street: Part Two

Zachery Peppers, Teacher
World History, US History, US Gov. and Civics

Earlene Fancher, Teacher
English I, English IV, English IV CTE

Odysseus’ Journey Home

Barry Huffhines, Teacher
Economics and Personal Finance, Leadership

Social Studies Syllabi: