Understanding math is vital to making us understand how the world works around us. It’s critical in cooking, managing finances, traveling, building, forecasting, and yes even shopping! Math is a universal language that’s understood the same way all over the world and is an essential life skill. Understanding math helps us to solve practical problems. It helps us in all careers and supports logical reasoning and analytical thinking. It’s vital for scientific advancements and technological developments. Without mathematics we would be crippled in understanding measurements and quantities.
Tim Burgner, Teacher
Geometry, Algebra II
Nova Documentary: The Great Math Mystery
The Mysterious Wold of Maths BBC Documentary Series
Nova Documentary: Finding the Hidden Dimension
Nova Documentary: The Quantum Riddle
Tina Williamson, Teacher
SDC Statistics, SAILS Math, Intro Computer Science
Williamson Weebly Classroom Webpage
SAILS Parent Letter
Classroom Video List
Dr. Nancy Powers, Teacher
Algebra I
Dearco Nolan, Educational Assistant
Geometry Syllabus- Tim Burgner
Algebra I – Dr. Nancy Powers
Algebra II – Tim Burgner
SDC Statistics (Full Year) – Tina Williamson
SDC Statistics (Fall Semester) – Tina Williamson
SAILS Math – Tina Williamson
Intro to Computer Science – Tina Williamson